Nourishing day-old chicks is essential in order to obtain good zootechnical and economical performances. A windowed hatching process followed by intensive handling procedures and transport induces a lot of stress to the day-old chick. Climate control and providing the necessary nutrients are crucial in order to cope with this. Although nature provides the day-old chick with the necessary nutrients to survive via the presence of the remaining of the yolk, feeding the day-old chick additionally with the proper nutrients is essential in stimulating the intestinal development. The intestine being the first line defense in disease prevention and responsible for nutrient efficiency.
Facilitate the change
The GalliFirst pre-starter is developed to supply the necessary nutrients taken into consideration all these disruptive changes and merges the needs of the young bird with the demands of the respective production period in order to perform well.
A homogeneous and crumbled structure leads to rapid and stable increasing feed intake and with its selected specific composition builds the bridge between the yolk-nutrition and the later feed-based nutrition and development stage of the bird. The protein sources in GalliFirst for example consist of a combination of high digestible protein sources with low levels of antinutritional factors for an optimal amino acid supply to the developing body.
To reach a fast and balanced gut development in all segments, the nutrient sources combine the “known” nutrients of the yolk with the later plant-based nutrients to adapt, but without overwhelming the GIT of the young animals. A distinguished additive concept based on antioxidants, phytogenic agents and MCFA’s leads to a balanced and resilient GIT, after the young birds already had to experience a lot of stress during the first hours of life.
GalliFirst is only developed for the first few days (up to 2 days of age) and especially to stimulate feed intake as early as possible. The nutrient levels of the feed are concepted to ease the transition to the usual starter feed as well, so that no drop in feed intake, essential in order to obtain good performance, will be experienced.
Summary of the “why?”
The objective is to build the link between the intrinsic nutrition of the bird and the later feed supply. We want the birds to eat as soon as possible resulting in a good GIT development having the potential for a very high and efficient performance during the production cycle. GalliFirst is to be fed additionally to the normal starter feed for the first 2 days after arriving on farm level. It should be applied on paper under the drinking line (with a feed intake of approx. 30g/bird).
If we want to achieve the genetic performance potential, it is crucial to create the basis to obtain the adequate body development. This starts from day-old. GalliFirst is facilitating the transition from yolk nutrition to feed nutrition helping the birds to cope with the early stressors of life.
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